Agailzhara Postal Code – আগৈলঝাড়া Zip Code, Barishal

Agailzhara is an Upazila of Barisal(বরিশাল) District in the Barisal Division, Bangladesh. It is located at 22°58′N 90°9′E. There are three post offices here. These are Agailzhara, Gaila, and Paisarhat. The postal codes of these are 8240, 8241, and 8242.

In the area of 155.47 square kilometers and 30,560 households, around 147,343 people live here. And among them, 5.2% of people live in urban areas. Its thana was formed on 16 June 1981 and in 7 November 1983, it was known as an Upazila. There are 5 union parishads. These are subdivided into 96 villages and 78 mauzas. And on the municipality, there are 17 mahallas and 9 wards.

Agailzhara Postal Zip code

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