Baidder Bazar Postal Code – Zip Code, Narayanganj

Baidder Bazar is in narayanganj(নারায়ণগঞ্জ). It is in the center of Bangladesh. There are three post offices in Baidder Bazar. The postal code of Baidder bazaar starts from 1440 to 1442. Baidder Bazar is a popular and ancient place in Bangladesh. That’s why many tourists go there to visit the place.

There are many notable places here to visit. There is also a long history of our culture. Not many people know the code of the Baidder Bazar post office. That’s why we have included here the codes of Baidder bazar so that it will be easier for you to find the post code of the place.

Baidder Bazar Postal Zip code

UpazilaPost OfficePost Code
Baidder BazarBaidder Bazar1440
Baidder BazarBara Nagar1441
Baidder BazarBarodi1442

You can also search Narayanganj, Baidder Bazar Postcode by typing the following phrase

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Baidder bazar postcode
post code of baidder bazar

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