Bakshiganj Postal Code – বকশীগঞ্জ Zip Code, Jamalpur

Bakshiganj is an Upazila of Jamalpur (জামালপুর) District in the Division of Mymensingh, Bangladesh. It is in 25.2250°N 89.8750°E. There is one post office here. The name of the post office is Bakshiganj. The postal code of Bakshiganj is 2140. It has a great history of the Bangladesh Liberation war. Colonel Abu Taher had lost his leg.

Around 218,930 people live in the land of 204.3 square Kilometers in 52,222 households. They have 7 union parishads and these are divided into 199 villages and 25 mauzas. This Upazila has a major agricultural. And the literacy rate of this area is 33.1%.

Bakshiganj Postal Zip code

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