Charfashion Postal Code – চরফ্যাসন Zip Code, Bhola

Charfashion is an Upazila of Bhola (ভোলা) District in the Division of Barisal, Bangladesh. It is located at 22°11.1′N 90°45.8′E. There are three post offices. These are Charfashion, Dularhat, and Keramatganj. The postal code of these areas 8340, 8341, and 8342.

There is a population of 342,038 people lives in the area of 1440.04 Square Kilometers in 84348 households. It has 4 theatre groups, a library, 15 clubs, 6 cinema halls, and a stadium. There are many places here for visiting local people or outsider people. The average literacy rate of this area is 25.5%.

Charfashion Postal Zip code

UpazilaPost OfficePost Code

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