Doulatkhan Postal Code – দৌলতখান Zip Code, Bhola

Daulatkhan is an Upazila of Bhola (ভোলা) District in the Division of Barisal, Bangladesh. It is located at 22.6069°N 90.7358°E. There are two post offices. These are Doulatkhan and Hajipur. The postal codes of these areas are 8310 and 8311. These postal codes will help you to identify the places.

This place has a population of 173253 people. There are 29,233 in 316.99 square kilometers. It has 9 union parishads. And these have 27 villages and 47 mouzas. In the municipality, it has 9 mahallas and 9 wards. The average literacy rate of this place is 24.5%. This place has Archaeological heritage Charpata Daira Jami Mosque.

Doulatkhan Postal Zip code

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