Kuliarchar Postal Code – কুলিয়ারচর Zip Code, Kishoreganj

Kuliarchar is an Upazila of Kishoreganj (কিশোরগঞ্জ) District in the Division of Dhaka, Bangladesh. It is located at 24.1542°N 90.9000°E. There are three post offices here. These are Laksmipur, Chhoysuti, and Kuliarchar. The postal codes of these areas are 2338, 2341, and 2340. In 1921, it was a Thana. And in 1984, it was turned from thana to Upazila.

It has a population of 133327 in 26143 households and in a total area of 104.01 square kilometers. There are six union parishads. And these parishads have 97 villages and 46 mauzas. The Kuliarchar Municipality has 37 mahallas and 9 wards. The literacy rate of this area is 21.6%.

Kuliarchar Postal Zip code

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