Madarganj Postal Code – মাদারগঞ্জ Zip Code, Jamalpur

Madarganj is an Upazila in Jamalpur(জামালপুর), Bangladesh. It is at 24°53.5′N 89°45′E. There are three post offices. And these are Balijhuri, Madarganj, and Adarvita. And the postal codes are 2041, 2040, and 2051. There are 89 primary schools and 40 colleges. Most of them are famous and notable for a better education.

There are almost 357,000 people live here in 41,058 household units in 225.38 square kilometers. There are 7 union parishads and one municipality. These are subdivided into 119 villages, 9 wards, 108 mauzas, and 22 mahallas. Among these, at least 60% of people are literate here.

Madarganj Postal Zip code

UpazilaPost OfficePost Code

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Post code of Madarganj
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