Mahadebpur Postal Code – মহাদেবপুর Zip Code, Naogaon

Khetlal is an Upazila of Naogaon (নওগাঁ) District in the Division of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. It is located at 24.9333°N 88.7417°E. There is one post office here. The name of the post office is KhetlalMahadebpur. The postal code of this area is 6530.

There are around 292,589 people live here in a total area of 397.67 square kilometers on 76,089 households. There are 10 union parishads. These are subdivided into 301 villages and 307 mauzas. In the municipality, it has 9 mahallas and 9 wards. In 1898, it was a Thana. And on 15 December 1983, it was made into an Upazila.

Mahadebpur Postal Zip code

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