Nagarpur Postal Code – নাগরপুর Zip Code, Tangail

Nagarpur is an Upazila of Tangail (টাঙ্গাইল) District in the Division of Dhaka, Bangladesh. In this area, there are three post offices you will see. The postal code of Nagarpur is 1936. The population of Nagarpur is 288092. These people live in about 66523 households in 266.77 sq km. The literacy percentage of nagarpur is also average.

This Upazila is divided into 12 porishod. Such as Bekra, Bhadra, Sahabatpur, Dhubaria, Duptiair, Gayhata, Mamudnagar, Bharra, Moka, Nagarpur, Pakutia, and Salimabad. The total area of Upazila is 266.7 km2. It is located at 24.0500°N 89.8750°E. There are 256 villages and 212 mauzas. Here are the Nagarpu Postal Code

Nagarpur Postal Zip code

UpazilaPost OfficePost Code

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