Natore Sadar Postal Code – নাটোর সদর Zip Code

Natore Sadar is an Upazila of Natore (নাটোর) District in the Division of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Natore Sadar is located at 24.4139°N 88.9300°E.E. There are 4 post offices here. The names of the post offices are Baiddyabal Gharia, Digapatia, Madhnagar, and Natore Sadar. The postal codes of these areas are 6402, 6401, 6403, and 6400.

The population of this area is 400030 people in 401.29 Square kilometers on 67,852 households. There are 12 union Porishads. These have 297 villages and 263 Mouzas. There are enough educational institutes for study. In 1793, Baraigram thana was created. On 15 April 1984, it was made as Upazila.

Natore Sadar Postal Zip code

UpazilaPost OfficePost Code
Natore SadarBaiddyabal Gharia6402
Natore SadarDigapatia6401
Natore SadarMadhnagar6403
Natore SadarNatore Sadar6400

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