Austagram Postal Code – অষ্টগ্রাম Zip Code, Kishoreganj

Austagram is an Upazila of Kishoreganj (কিশোরগঞ্জ) District in the Division of Dhaka, Bangladesh. It is located at 24.2667°N 91.1250°E. There is a post office. The postal code of Austagram is 2380. There are 7 unions in this area. And these are subdivided into 82 villages and 59 mauzas.

There are 21,077 households and 355.53 square kilometers. And around 132303 people live here. The average literacy rate of this area is 38.2%.In 1905, the Austagram thana was created, and in 1983, it was turned into an Upazila. There are enough educational institutes for a better education for people. And there are also notable places to visit.

Austagram Postal Zip code

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