Panchagra Sadar Postal Code – পঞ্চগড় সদর Zip Code

Panchagra Sadar is an Upazila of Panchagarh (পঞ্চগড়) District in the Division of Rangpur, Bangladesh. It is located at 26.3347°N 88.5583°E. There one post office in Panchagra Sadar here. The name of the post office is Panchagra Sadar. The postal code of Panchagra Sadar is 5000. This Upazila was a thana in 1909 and in the year 1984, it became an Upazila.

There are 37232 households and 347.08 square kilometers. And around 229237 people live here. The average literacy rate of this area is 34.7%. There are 10 union parishads. They are subdivided into 83 mauzas and 195 villages. In the municipality, it has 32 mahallas and 9 wards.

Panchagra Sadar Postal Zip code

UpazilaPost OfficePost Code
Panchagar SadarPanchagar Sadar 5000

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Other Postal Code in Panchagarh District
Boda, Chotto Dab, Debiganj, Tetulia

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