Pangsha Postal Code – পাংশা Zip Code, Rajbari

Pangsha is an Upazila of Rajbari (রাজবাড়ি) District in the Division of Dhaka, Bangladesh. There are four post office codes from Pangsha. The postal code of Pangsha starts from 7720 to 7723. There are about 316752 live here in 54454 households in a total area of 414.24 square kilometers.

Before it was turned into an Upazila, it has Pangsha thana 1863. But after then, it was made into an Upazila in 1984. The municipality was formed in 1990. This municipality is subdivided by 21 mahallas and 9 wards.
There are also 10 union parishads that are subdivided by 255 villages and 257 mauzas.

Pangsha Postal Zip code

UpazilaPost OfficePost Code

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