Rampal Postal Code – রামপাল Zip Code, Bagerhat

Rampal is an Upazila of Bagerhat (বাগেরহাট) District in the Division of Khulna, Bangladesh. It is in 22°34′N 89°39.8′E. There are 4 post offices here. And these are the names Foylahat, Gourambha, Rampal, and Sonatunia. The post codes of these areas are 9341, 9343, 9340, and 9342.

There are about 167070 peoples live here in an area of 335.46 square kilometers and 33119 households. In 1892, Mollahat thana was created. And on 2 July 1983, it was made into an Upazila. There is a Memorial monument here of the liberation war. There are 10 unions here. And these are subdivided into 133 villages and 125 mauzas.

Rampal Postal Zip code

UpazilaPost OfficePost Code

Post code for other Upazila of Bagerhat District
Bagerhat Sadar | Chalna Ankorage | Chitalmari | Fakirhat | Kachua UPO | Mollahat | Morelganj | Rayenda

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