Rayenda Postal Code – রায়েন্দা Zip Code, Bagerhat

Rayenda is a Union parishad of Sarankhola Upazila, Bagerhat (বাগেরহাট) District in Khulna Division of Bangladesh. It is in under of Bagerhat district. There is only one post office in this union. The name of the post office is Rayenda. The post code of Rayenda is 9330. The total area of this union is 87.28 square kilometers. And about 34495 people live here.

These postal codes are the same as zip codes. They will help you to find a place easily with the code. And you can send any mails or any document easily without any problems.

Rayenda Postal Zip code

UpazilaPost OfficePost Code

Post code for other Upazila of Bagerhat District
Bagerhat Sadar | Chalna Ankorage | Chitalmari | Fakirhat | Kachua UPO | Mollahat | Morelganj | Rampal

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Postcode of Rayenda
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Rayenda post code
Rayenda postal code

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