Setabganj Postal Code – সেতাবগঞ্জ Zip Code, Dinajpur

Bochaganj is an Upazila of Dinajpur (দিনাজপুর) District in the Division of Rangpur, Bangladesh. It is located at 25.8000°N 88.4611°E. There is one post office in Setabganj. The postal code of Setabganj is 5216. This place is a brief story about the war of liberation. There are also enough Religious institutions.

There is a population of 135376 in 23972 households on a total area of 224.81 square kilometers. It has 6 union parishads. And they have 141 villages and 144 mauzas. And the municipality has 33 mahallas and 9 wards. The average literacy rate of this place is 30.2%.

Setabganj Postal Zip code

UpazilaPost OfficePost Code

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Other Postal Codes in Dinajpur District
Phulbari, Parbatipur, Ghoraghat, Nawabganj, Maharajganj, Khansama, Dinajpur Sadar, Chirirbandar, Birampur, Biral, Bangla Hili

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