Sharishabari Postal Code – সরিষাবাড়ী Zip Code, Jamalpur

Sarishabari is an upazila of Jamalpur (জামালপুর) District in the Division of Mymensingh, Bangladesh. It is at 24.7417°N 89.8333°E location. There are four post offices here. These are Bausee, Jagannath Ghat, Jamuna Sar Karkhanayy, Pingna, and Sharishabari. The postal codes of these areas are 2052, 2053, 2055, 2054, and 2050.

The population of this area is 325,320 and there are 58254 households in the total area of 263.48 square kilometers. There are 8 union parishads and one municipality. These are subdivided into 183 villages, 9 wards, 120 mauzas, and 17 mahallas. The average literacy rate of this place is 24.4% In this place, there are many jute mills.

Sharishabari Postal Zip code

UpazilaPost OfficePost Code
SharishabariJagannath Ghat2053
SharishabariJamuna Sar Karkhanayy2055

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