Shibganj Postal Code – শিবগঞ্জ Zip Code, Bogura

Shibganj is an Upazila of Bogura District in the Division of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. It is located at 24.6833°N 88.1667°E. There is one post office in Shibganj. The postal code of Shibganj is 5810. In 1913, Shibganj thana was made Shibganj Upazila. There are many historical places here to visit. Many tourists come here.

There are 15 unions here. These unions have 392 villages and 199 Mauzas. In the municipality, there are 31 mahallas and 9 wards. The total population of 591178 people lives in the area of 525.43 square kilometers and 67009. There are also many notable institutes for a better education.

Shibganj Postal Zip code

UpazilaPost OfficePost Code

You can also search Bogura, Shibganj Postcode by typing the following phrase

Chapai Nawabganj Shibganj post code
Chapai Nawabganj Shibganj thana code
Shibganj Rajshahi post code
Post code of Shibganj
Postcode of Shibganj
Zip code of Shibganj
Shibganj Zip code

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