Shivalaya Postal Code – শিবালয় Zip Code, Manikganj

Shivalaya is an Upazila of Manikganj (মানিকগঞ্জ) District in the Division of Dhaka, Bangladesh. This area is located at 23.8333°N 89.7917°E. There are 26334 households and a population of 143842 that lives in the area of 199.07 square kilometers. And the literacy rate is 29.1%.

There are seven unions. Such as Aruoa, Mohadebpur, Shibaloy, Simulia, Teota, Ulayel, and Uthali. These parishads have 255 villages and 202 mauzas. There are many notable colleges and schools in the area.
This area was a thana in 1919. And then it was made in Upazila in 1983. There are many histories of the liberation war in 1971.

Shibloya Postal Zip code

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