Singair Postal Code – সিংগাইর Zip Code, Manikganj

Singair is an Upazila of Manikganj (মানিকগঞ্জ) District in the Division of Dhaka, Bangladesh. There are three post offices here. The postal code of Singair is 1820. It is located at 23.8167°N 90.1500°E. The thana was formed in 1919 and it was made an Upazila in 1983.

In 44151 households and 217.38 square kilometers, almost 461628 people live here.

There are 11 unions. And in these unions, 246 villages and 137 Mouzas are there. In the Singair municipality, it has 9 wards and 14 mahallas. There are many notable institutes for a better education. There are many notable places here to visit.

Singair Postal Zip code

UpazilaPost OfficePost Code

You can also search Manikganj, Singair Postcode by typing the following phrase

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