Susung Durgapur Postal Code – সুসং দুর্গাপুর Zip Code, Netrakona

Susung Durgapur is an upazila of the Netrokona (নেত্রকোনা) District in the Mymensingh Division of Bangladesh. It is located at 25.1250°N 90.6875°E. There is a post office here. The name of the post office is Susung Durgapur. The postal code of Susung Durgapur is 2420. This Upazila was a thana in 1874 and in the year 1983, it became an Upazila.

There are 32,245 households and 293.42 square kilometers. And around 224,873 people live here. There are 7 union parishads. They are subdivided into 114 mauzas and 123 villages. There are many places to visit.

Susung Durgapur Postal Zip code

UpazilaPost OfficePost Code
Susung DurgapurSusung Durgapur2420

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