Thanchi Postal Code – থানচি Zip Code, Bandarban

Thanchi is an Upazila of Bandarban (বান্দরবান) District in the Division of Chittagong, Bangladesh. It is located at 21.7861°N 92.4278°E. There are two post offices in this Upazila. And these are Lama and Thanchi. The postal code of these is 4641 and 4630. In 1976, it was a thana. But after 1985, it was an Upazila.

There are 2,885 households and a total area of 1020.82 square km. The population of this area is 16104. The literacy rate here is 17.4%. There are four union parishads. These have 178 villages and 12 mauzas. Make sure to write the codes here well.

Thanchi Postal Zip code

UpazilaPost OfficePost Code

You can also search Bandarban, Thanchi Postcode by typing the following phrase

Thanchi Postcode
Postcode of Thanchi
Thanachi postal codes
Thanachi postal code
Zip code of Thanachi
Thanachi zip coad

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