Alikadam Postal Code – আলিকদম Zip Code, Bandarban

Alikadam is an Upazila of Bandarban (বান্দরবান) District in the Division of Chittagong, Bangladesh. It is located at 21.6667°N 92.3056°E. The postal code of the Alikadam post office is 4650. In 1976, Alikadam thana was created. And after 1983, Alikadam thana was turned into Alikadam Upazila. This place is popular among tourists for Hiking. In the winter season, many people come here for hiking.

The total population of Alikadam Upazila is 35264 in the land area of 885.78 square kilometers and in 4923 households. There are four union parishads here. But there are not enough higher schools for study. There is only one high school.

Alikadam Postal Zip code

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