Bhaluka Postal Code – ভালুকা Zip Code, Mymensingh

Bhaluka is an Upazila of the Mymensingh (ময়মনসিংহ) District in Bangladesh. It is located at 24°22.5′N 90°22.7′E. There is a post here. The name of the post office is Bhaluka. The postal code of Bhaluka. This Upazila was a thana in 1917 and in the year 1983, it became an Upazila.

There are 53,222 households and 444.05 square kilometers. And around 308758 people live here. There are 11 union parishads. They are subdivided into 87 mauzas and 110 villages. In the municipality, it has 13 mahallas and 9 wards. There are many places to visit.

Bhaluka Postal Zip code

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