Dhaka Mirpur Postal Code – মীরপুর Zip Code, Dhaka

Mirpur is a thana of Dhaka (ঢাকা) District in Bangladesh. It is one of the popular places and one of the largest thanas in Dhaka. There is a post office here in Mirpur. The name of the post office is Mirpur TSO. The postal code of Mirpur TSO is 1216.

The postal code is also the same as the zip code. It helps you to identify the city or the thana of the place where you are going to send official or unofficial letters or any important mails. Mirpur thana is located in Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh. And its code is 1216.

Dhaka Mirpur Postal Zip code

UpazilaPost OfficePost Code
MirpurMirpur TSO1216

More Postal code in Dhaka District
Dhaka Cantonment-TSO, Dhamrai, Dhanmondi, Gulshan, Jatrabari, Dohar, Keraniganj, Khilgaon, Khilkhet, Lalbag, Mohammadpur, Motijheel, Nawabganj, Kalabagan, Palton, Ramna, Sabujbag, Savar, Sutrapur, Tejgaon, Uttara

ঢাকা মিরপুর টিএসও পোস্ট কোড: ১২১৬

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