Tanor Postal Code – তানোর Zip Code, Rajshahi

Tanor is an Upazila of Rajshahi(রাজশাহী), Bangladesh. It is located at 24.6028°N 88.5806°E There is one post office here. The name of the post office is Tanor. The postal code of Tanor is 6610

The population of this area is 191,330 people in 295.40 Square kilometers on 47,425 households. There are 7 union Porishads. These have 169 villages and 211 Mouzas. There are enough educational institutes for study. In 1869, Tanor thana was created. In 1983, it was made as Upazila.

Tanor Postal Zip code

UpazilaPost OfficePost Code

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