Nikli Postal Code – নিকলি Zip Code, Kishoreganj

Nikli is an Upazila of Kishoreganj (কিশোরগঞ্জ) District in the Division of Dhaka, Bangladesh. It is located at 24.3167°N 90.9333°E. There is only one post office here. The postal code of Nikli Upazila is 2360. There is a population of 110,912 in 22008 households in a total area of 214.5 square kilometers.

There are seven union parishads here. These unions are subdivided into 125 villages and 43 Mauzas. In 1981, this Nikli Upazila was a thana. And on 24 March 1983, it was turned into an Upazila from Thana. The average literacy rate is very low here. There is only a 12.6% of the rate.

Nikli Postal Zip code

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