Rupganj Postal Code – রূপগঞ্জ Zip Code, Narayanganj

Rupganj is an Upazila of Narayanganj (নারায়ণগঞ্জ) District in the Division of Dhaka, Bangladesh. There are five post offices here. And the postal code of Rupganj starts from 1460 to 1464. There are 64902 households and a population of 375935 that lives in the area of 247.97 square kilometers.

In the year of 1983, Rupganj thana was formed into an Upazila. This Upazila is divided into two municipalities. One is Kanchan Municipality and the other one is Tarabo Municipality. These Municipalities have 9 mahallas and 9 wards in each area. It also has 7 union parishads. These parishads have 285 villages and 144 mauzas.

Rupganj Postal Zip code

UpazilaPost OfficePost Code

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